Push Notifications

Making Requests

To make requests for ads you make a GET request to https://push.{PUSHDOMAIN}/ads/push

Query parameters you must pass in this request are as follows:

Optionally you can pass, for improved targetting and monetisation:

Finally if you require it for detailed reporting:


A request like the following:

curl -X GET \\
  '<https://push>.{PUSHDOMAIN}/ads/push?campaign_id={your campaign id}&uid=123456a1&ua=Mozilla%2F5.0%20%28Macintosh%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010_14_2%29%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20%28KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko%29%20Chrome%2F73.0.3683.86%20Safari%2F537.36&ip=' \\
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {your token}' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Will return ads in the following structure:

    "list": [
            "thumbnail": [
                    "url": "<https://d3mmqwvqhuft45.cloudfront.net/v3/images/1607/453551>"
            "type": "photo",
            "name": "[AD] People Leave Their Jobs After Watching This Video",
            "description": "[Tesler]",
            "branding": "Tesler",
            "duration": "0",
            "id": "420162.453551",
            "url": "<https://link>.{SEARCHDOMAIN}/link/pad/pTkWqaLTWHZfmCuCRK7qTn"

If multiple ads are returned they will be sorted according to the highest monetistation, with the first ad being the highest paying.

Response Fields

Fields in the response: