Link Monetisation

The Tappa Search platform provides a mechanism by which link traffic is monetised and it is possible for you to directly construct redirect links using the same format.

The format for a monetisable link is as follows:

https://{LINK_DOMAIN}/link/r?u={url encoded destination url}&campaign_id={your campaign_id}

For example:


At click-time this link will evaluate the best option across each of our demand partners and redirect the user appropriately. As per the mainstream API documentation, revenue relating to traffic using this service is available via the reporting API.

Traffic Sources

If multiple traffic sources are making use of the same campaign then you can provide a source identifier by appending the parameter "source" to the url to indicate the traffic origin. Each distinct source provided will generate a sub-campaign that can be reported on individually, whilst still being aggregated into the parent campaign report.

Note that the source property should be url encoded. Also note that if you plan to send more traffic from more than two thousand sources you will must discuss this with your Tappa representative beforehand, as this will require additional configuration.

NB If you plan on sending more than 1000 distinct sources then please contact your Tappa representative to ensure this will be supported.

For example:


Sub Ids

If you want to pass a custom property to us and have that tracked then you can append the url encoded subid value to the url using the query parameter zsb. We do not provide a revenue breakdown by subid but it is possible to view all of the subids for a campaign, source, day and domain combination in the reporting suite.

As an example:
