Link Bidding

Tappa provide a service that can integrate with your auction to provide a bid in real time for a link. This feature needs to be enabled on your campaign and you should discuss the bidding set-up with your Tappa Search representative. There are various important details, including that bidding can be set-up to provide a non-guaranteed / indicative amount taking into account the historical performance of the entire set of demand options that we have available, or it can be configured to return a fixed CPC, limiting the demand choices but offering a firm figure.

The process of requesting a bid is to issue an HTTP GET in one of the following formats:

https://{BID_DOMAIN}/link/bid?u={url encoded destination url}&campaign_id={your campaign_id}&ip={user ip}&ua={user agent}&referrer={site referring user to link}

You must also pass an authorization header e.g.:

curl -X GET \\
  'https://{BID_DOMAIN}/link/bid?u={url encoded destination url}&campaign_id={your campaign_id}&ip={user ip}&ua={user agent}&referrer={site referring user to link}' \\
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \\
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Your token}'

If you are able to you can pass the following optional properties to us which will allow us to further optimise the bid:

Important: Each of these is optional, unless the u parameter is missing, in which case keywords is mandatory. See Keyword implications section below.

Using all parameters produces a syntax as follows:

https://link.{SEARCHDOMAIN}/link/bid?u={url encoded destination url}&campaign_id={your campaign_id}&ip={user ip}&ua={user agent}&referrer={site referring user to link}&source=myincomingsource&keywords=first,second&zsb=mysubid&size=2&sortBy=relevance

The response will be a JSON object as follows:

Bid response for a single bid: